See through your
customer’s eyes
QoX - smart visualized solutions
for the Telco Industry
Being aware of your customer's experience lets you take your service to a whole new level.
YOU as an operator can improve your troubleshooting service, better your managing abilities and save time and money.
Your CUSTOMER enjoys a quick and precise service, tailored to his needs and demands.
Improve customer retention and loyalty with an all in one solution
What can QoX do for you?
High Quality User Experience Cost reduction Higher ARPU
VIP assurance
  • Easy cross department cooperation via VIP dashboard
  • Display VIP trends for marketing to VIP subscribers
  • Deep drill-down to discover root causes of service deterioration
  • Sustain QOS across all technologies and networks per VIP group
Service assurance
  • Assure 24/7 user experience with monitoring ability
  • Proactively resolve issues before subscribers even become aware of them
  • Utilize machine learning to identify a baseline per device / device group and automatically address anomalies
  • Debug issues starting at the network level and down to a group or a single user
Customer care
(from the customer’s point of view)
  • Dramatically improve customer satisfaction
  • Identifying and understanding the customer’s problem immediately
  • Improving costs efficiency in customer care
  • Seeing the full picture from UE and Core side
Why QoX does it best?
State of the art technology
  • Robust and scalable SDK
  • End to end service visibility from UE through RAN to network core
  • Agile AI analytics and GUI layers that could interface with any new DB and
Customer’s needs
  • (analyze any data set on the fly)
  • Correlation of multiple data sources into valuable customer and service
Create unique dashboards
  • Cloud-native mature solution
  • ML providing fully automated analysis and customized dashboards tailored to
  • Insights for CEM/SOC giving operators fully synchronized information end to end
  • Easy adaptation to IOS and Android
  • Unique versatile cloud-native subscription and risk-free pricing model
Our advantages
  • Cutting edge SDK technology providing accurate and timely information from UE
  • State of the art machine learning technology
  • Quick improvement in user experience for both customers and operators
  • User friendly and easy to expand
  • Supports all technologies (2G-4G, WIFI, BT, etc.)
  • AI and big data analytics to adapt and predict customers’ needs
  • Agile input agile output (multiple Dbs + dynamic dashboards)
  • Collecting data of users on both idle and connected states
  • Standalone SDK easily integrated into any other hosting application
  • Impressive roadmap ahead…
Your benefits
  • All-in-one solution from engineering level to high management
  • Dramatic improvement in your users’ quality of experience
  • Immediate identification of customers problems
  • Accurate analysis of customers experience
  • Increasing time efficiency thus achieving significant cost saving
  • State of the art technology
  • Cutting edge UI for the end user